Added a new quick take video featuring Michelle Jennings to the Members’ Club. Michelle Jennings is a very spoiled rich woman on her way to a fancy ball. When she hears a knock on the door, she assumes it is her driver and calls him in. When the stranger grabs her necklace, she realizes it is not her normal driver and demands to know what is the meaning of this! The snooty Michelle is forced to her knees and tied up! She offers the intruder cash to stop tying her and let her attend the ball, but he keeps binding her! When he grows tired of her demanding mouth, he cleave gags her and goes off to find more valuables. Michelle struggles & calls for her servants to come assist her, but they are nowhere to be seen. She eventually makes an attempt to reach her cell phone, but is caught, blindfolded and carried off! Michelle is a beautiful woman and she looks stunning in her long sequin dress, velvet opera gloves and high heels! The ropes make a nice accessory too!
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