New Model Julia Dixon

On Monday, we worked with new model Julia Dixon. Julia is friends with Cydel Jimenez, who recommended her to us. Actually, the two were supposed to work together, but the day before the shoot Cydel got sick and had to cancel. As you can see, Julia is a stunningly beautiful young woman with an absolutely adorable face. We shot 4 photo sets, a video for the upcoming new section in the Members’ Club, and a short story video for the Bondage Warehouse. The storyline video is another in our sequence of first person ‘babysitter’ series (anyone remember IS22 and IS68?). Julia had a good time, we had a good time, we shot some good material together – an excellent introduction!

Kailani Laemoa’s Second Visit

Last Wednesday, we worked with Kailani Laemoa for the second time. Continuing our recent trend, we spent the bulk of our time shooting video for the upcoming new, all video section of the members club. With Kailani’s video, we now have enough material to open the new section – we just have to get all the video edited and the new section designed! To end the night, we also shot one photo set (previewed below) and a little behind the scenes video for the members’ area. Besides being a really fun person to work with, Kailani is an amazingly curvy young lady. If you, like us, find curves sexy, Kailani will blow you away!

Aurora Parker – Back So Soon!

     Last Tuesday & Wednesday, Aurora Parker was back in town for another visit. That’s right – we go over a year without seeing her and then we work with her twice in less than a month. This time around, we shot some photo sets and some behind the scenes video for the members’ area, but we spent the bulk of our time shooting video for what will be a brand new section of the members club. What will that section be? Well, we don’t want to say too much yet (we would prefer to tease you!), but it will be an all video section and we hope to premiere it before the end of the year.

It was great spending time with Aurora again. She really is a wonderful person, not to mention an incredibly sexy woman.

If you were subscribed to our Twitter feed, you would have gotten a sneak peak of the shoot while we were working!


A Day with Alaina Lael

     Last weekend, Alaina Lael contacted us and said she was making an unexpected trip to Vegas the next day and wanted to know if we wanted to have some outdoor fun. Of course we said yes! On a previous visit, we had taught Alaina some basic rappelling skills and this time she wanted to do a real canyon. Alaina is a big outdoor enthusiast, and she had been wanting to experience canyoneering for some time. So early Monday morning we all went out and did one of our short local canyons and Alaina had a blast. Oh yeah – we also took the opportunity to tie Alaina up in the great outdoors. Actually, we shot a short story video for the Bondage Warehouse, along with two still photo sets. Alaina had so much fun, she is already planning her next trip out so we can teach her some more and take her on more difficult adventures (and probably tie her up along the way!).

If you were subscribed to our Twitter feed, you would have gotten a sneak peak of the shoot while we were working!


Yania Fernandez

     Last week, we worked with Yania Fernandez for the first time since May. Of course, Yania still looks incredible – she just blows us away every time she walks through our door. We shot 4 photo sets, a short story video for Bondage Warehouse (the leather pants and satin blouse pic below), plus behind the scenes video for the Members’ Club. Looking back at the sample pics, bright colors and pantyhose seemed to be the theme for the day – at least in the photo sets 🙂 It was great seeing Yania again and catching up on the last few months. Needless to say, Yania will be back.

If you were subscribed to our Twitter feed, you would have gotten a sneak peak of the shoot while we were working!


Aurora Parker – It’s Been a While

This past Tuesday and Wednesday, we worked with Aurora Parker for the first time in over a year. We had tried to get Aurora in sooner, but every time we scheduled her, one of us got sick or had something come up. Aurora is a very special person and someone we truly care about. It’s hard to believe she has been working for us for over 6 years.

Over the two days, we shot two storyline videos for the Bondage Warehouse, plus about a dozen photo sets. One video features a barefoot Aurora in sexy black dancer tights and the other has her in a sexy red dress & heels (see pics below).

Ginger Higgins Returns

     On Monday, we worked with Ginger Higgins for the first time since April. Unfortunately, Ginger moved out of state a few months back, so our opportunities to see her are limited. But she was back in town to visit some friends and pick up the last of her belongings, so of course we took the opportunity to work with her. We shot 4 photo sets, two short story videos for the Bondage Warehouse (the shorts & heels outfit and the barefoot hogtie on the bed), plus plenty of behind the scenes video for the Members’ Club. It was great seeing Ginger again and we hope we continue to work with her in the future. She says she will be coming back to Vegas once or twice a year, so we are optimistic.

If you were subscribed to our Twitter feed, you would have gotten a sneak peak of the shoot while we were working!


Katherine West’s 3rd Visit

This past Saturday, we worked with Katherine West for the 3rd time. From her past visits, we knew Katherine was an exceptional actress, so we planned on shooting plenty of storyline video. We had a story in mind that we knew Katherine would be great for. The idea was actually inspired by a real life event – namely our year and a half long IRS audit :-/ Given Katherine’s acting ability and the possible depth of the story, we shot a video that is significantly longer than our standard Bondage Warehouse video. It included 3 distinct scenes and we plan on releasing the 3 parts individually and as a single longer video, because each scene features a different outfit and different bondage technique (the 3 pictures NOT in the blue tunic). If you haven’t already noticed – we really like this woman. She is highly attractive, friendly, professional, open minded, and just about everything else that makes for a great Imago Studios model.

New Model Haley Jones

     Last Wednesday, we worked with another new model, the very lovely and friendly Haley Jones. We shot 3 photo sets, a short story video for the Bondage Warehouse (the duct tape, white blouse & pantyhose pics below), plus some behind the scenes video for the Members’ Club. Although Haley started off a bit nervous, she quickly relaxed and really did a good job with the video – she plays the helpless damsel very well! By the end, it was obvious Haley was having a good time. And a few days after the shoot, she emailed us about some postions she would like to try next time 🙂

If you were subscribed to our Twitter feed, you would have gotten a sneak peak of the shoot while we were working!


Selene Silva comes to town

On Tuesday night, we worked with Selene Silva, who was back in town for a short visit. A few months back, Selene moved out of state. But as luck would have it (well, our good luck, her bad), things did not work out as she planned. So the good news is Selene will be moving back to Vegas in a few weeks. You may notice that Selene’s hair is a bit blonder (she’s actually a natural blonde) – and longer too. We shot 3 photo sets, plus a short story video for the Bondage Warehouse. The video features Selene in the leather pants outfit pictured below, but in a different position.