Lera Grigio – Always Up for Something New

     Yesterday, we spent a very a fun afternoon and evening with Lera Grigio. If you follow Imago Studios, you know Lera is one of our newer models who has a very strong personal interest in bondage and enjoys experiencing new ways of being tied up! So this visit, we wasted no time doing something new with her – we strung her up upside down from a tree in our yard! 🙂 This and another scene were shot as quick take videos. We then shot a behind the scenes video where we let Lera rummage through our closet and pick what she wanted to be restrained with; she choose the straight jacket (pictured below). All these videos will appear in the Imago Studios Members’ Club. We end the day by going out for a very nice Thai food dinner.


5 thoughts on “Lera Grigio – Always Up for Something New

  1. Holy mackerel! I can’t wait to see the photoset and video of the upside down suspension!

  2. Upside down suspension is a physically difficult challenge but Lera really likes trying new things and she got a kick out of it! It’s not a really long video because of the physical difficulty but it’s a good one!

  3. We currently have another half dozen shoots scheduled including 2 new models! It really is “A Wonderful Life” 🙂

  4. Just amazing on that hanging upside down outside set. I have never seen that before. Can’t wait to see the video & photos.

  5. Lera looks amazing hanging upside down. What a woman!

    Whata great 10 days you guys have had. Leah Powers, Sofia Vega, Mia Nelson, Katherine West, Britney Damon, and now Lera Grigio. What a run! You guys have the best job ever!

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