Kristen Moore – A 3 Custom Video Afternoon

We spent all of yesterday afternoon shooting 3 custom videos with the beautiful Kristen Moore. The videos were all quite fun to do & Kristen really put her all into each one. This young lady really knows how to struggle! The videos and associated photosets, will all eventually appear in the Imago Studios Members’ Club.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short, low quality cell phone “teaser” video

4 thoughts on “Kristen Moore – A 3 Custom Video Afternoon

  1. We do customs, but honestly we are literally MONTHS behind on requests. You can email us directly with questions & your story ideas and we can give you more information. We don’t post info on our website because custom work is well, custom, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

  2. So do you guys actually do customs? Where can I find out more info and get pricing on this?

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