Molly Bronte is doubly victimized in the latest release for the Bondage Warehouse. Bound in her pretty dress and pantyhose, Molly manages to make enough noise in the course of her struggles to attract the attention of her next door neighbor. Unfortunately for her, her neighbor values a quiet night sleep over Molly’s comfort and actually reties her in a more difficult position in pursuit of a full night’s rest!
MP4 format of the sample clip
It’s the last that we currently have, but we see Molly somewhat routinely and next time our paths cross and we both have time, we might shoot some more 🙂
purchased this last week, and it was nice to see it included a heavenly gag scene for me i.e. dianne gagging molly (and with a tan pantyhose too)!
agree with jw,love the stockinged feet of molly,nicely directed scenes of her pretty feet.
Is this the last of Molly’s video work to be released?
Got this one last night and Molly was fantastic as always. Great shots of her pantyhose feet and butt 🙂