More videos added to the streaming video site

We are in the process of adding more of the the original short story downloadable videos from the Bondage Warehouse to the streaming video site. We have already added up through IS-BW00069 and we will add IS-BW00070 through ISBW00073 in the next few days.

These original storyline videos are shot exclusively for the Bondage Warehouse in HD quality. They feature fast-paced DID or themed short stories and are 6-12 minutes in length (1 to 2 scenes). If you haven’t seen them, check them out. A short sample clip is available for each!

The streaming video site also contains almost all of our feature-length storyline video productions.

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Video Streaming

1 thought on “More videos added to the streaming video site

  1. This is a good option if you can’t download the files or don’t have the room. The warehouse videos are the best thing Imago has for for years. I have all except the most recent.

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