New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Celeste Evergreen

Added a new quick take video featuring Celeste Evergreen to the Members’ Club. In a cute POV style video, Celeste Evergreen reminds you that you cannot judge a book by its cover. Conservatively dressed, wearing eye glasses and reading a philosophy of law textbook, Celeste may look like a nerdy academic, but a closer look reveals something entirely unexpected!

Click image for sample video

Click image for sample video

Preview March 8 New Photo Update

Wednesday’s new photo update features Kristen Moore & Katherine West.






Note: All recent membership section updates, including Behind-the-Scenes, Quick Take & Challenge Videos, Vault, Encores, & Lost Gems in addition to the New Photo Update, can be seen on the UPDATES page on our Imago Studios site.

New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Kristen Moore

Added a new quick take video featuring Kristen Moore to the Members’ Club. Kristen Moore was watching one of those antique collectable shows where someone found a painting in their attic worth millions. When she realizes that SHE has a painting that has been in her family for years, painted by that very same artist, she decides to call an art appraiser. Anticipating her painting will also be worth millions, she is disappointed when the appraiser tells her it is a forgery and therefore not worth anything. Later that day, she hears a sound coming from the front room and when she investigates, she finds a burglar trying to steal the painting! She tries to stop him, only to be quickly subdued and left bound & gagged on the floor. When the thief goes off to search another room, she manages to untie her tether rope and hop toward the door, but is caught and tied & gagged more securely.

Click image for sample video

Click image for sample video

Four More Quick Take Videos Added to the Bondage Warehouse

Added four more Quick Take Videos to the Bondage Warehouse. The latest additions include Sandra Milano, Michelle Jennings, Katherine West and Kristen Moore.

The Bondage Warehouse has hundreds of videos and thousands of photo sets available for immediate download with no membership commitment!

There are also volume discounts:
– order over $35 and get an automatic 10% off!
– order over $75 and get an automatic 20% off!
In addition to the volume discounts, members of Imago Studios get 10% off all orders.

NOTE: All these videos are currently available in the Members’ Area of Imago Studios, but only for a few more weeks.

Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip
Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip
Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip
Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip

New Photo Sets Added to the Bondage Warehouse

Recently added several more photosets to the Bondage Warehouse. New sets feature many of our amazingly sexy, cute & exclusive models including Kristen Moore (twice), Britney Damon, Daisy Daniels (twice), Cydel Jimenez, Carlita Santos, Gloria Nelson, Dianne Healey & Katherine West, Madeline Mapp, Michelle Jennings and Vivian Williams.

The Bondage Warehouse now has over 4600 photosets (and 1200+ videos) available for individual download. No membership necessary, buy just what you like! New material added almost every day!

There are also volume discounts:
– order over $35 and get an automatic 10% off!
– order over $75 and get an automatic 20% off!
In addition to the volume discounts, members of Imago Studios get 10% off all orders.







Dianne & Katherine






Michelle Jennings – So Many Looks

Last week, we shot with the beautiful Michelle Jennings and we had her all to ourselves! By that we mean we didn’t shoot any custom videos, but instead shot our own story ideas. One on the many great things about working with Michelle is she can easily pull off so many sexy looks. This time she played a sweet, innocent secretary, a snooty socialite and a rebellious punker. In the last video, we even gagged Michelle with her own hair – something we do not think we have ever done before. All three videos, and the photosets, will eventually appear in the Imago Studios’ Members’ Club. Michelle will also be back next week to shoot custom videos with Kristen Moore.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short cell phone BTS “teaser” video.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short cell phone BTS “teaser” video.

New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Michelle Jennings

Added a new quick take video featuring Michelle Jennings to the Members’ Club. Michelle Jennings loves old books and she loves magic. She thinks she has made a real discovery when she buys a supposedly very old book of magic spells from a local magic shop. Only problem is the book is written in an unknown language so she has no idea what the spells supposedly do. When she randomly picks one out and starts to read it, she is shocked to find she is suddenly bound hand & foot! She quickly reads another, hoping it is a reversal spell, only to find herself bound with even more rope! Now desperate, she tries to read one more spell, only to find herself tightly hogtied and gagged with some type of leather harness! Despite her love of magic, she finds this all hard to believe, but the ropes are real and all her struggling is doing nothing to loosen them!

Click image for sample video

Click image for sample video

Preview March 4 New Photo Update

Saturday’s new photo update features Daisy Daniels and Reina Garcia – Bound in Boots.






Note: All recent membership section updates, including Behind-the-Scenes, Quick Take & Challenge Videos, Vault, Encores, & Lost Gems in addition to the New Photo Update, can be seen on the UPDATES page on our Imago Studios site.

Added IS096 “Rivals in Bondage” to the Members Club

Added the complete IS096 “Rivals in Bondage” video starring Molly Bronte & Dina Davis – Holly Everson & Danielle Owens to the Imago Studios Members’ Club.

This double feature video stars 4 great damsels in 2 separate stories.

First, Molly Bronte & Dina Davis are two models competing for the same job. When Dina wins the position because she is willing to go topless, Molly is furious. But when she sees an opportunity to replace Dina, she takes it! Molly attacks her rival, knocks her to the bed, and quickly binds and gags her. She then stashes the startled and helpless Dina in the closet and waits for the photographer to return. Of course, not everything goes as Molly plans, and she soon finds herself on the receiving end as Dina has her turn tying the ropes!

Next, Holy Everson & Danielle Owens are best friends and roommates. But when Holly borrows one of Danielle’s best dresses without permission (again!), the trouble starts. Tired of Holly’s excuses, Danielle decides Holly needs to be taught a lesson in manners. Danielle wrestles her roommate to the floor and quickly hogties her. But once again, not everything goes Danielle’s way, and the tables are soon turned!

This video features some absolutely fantastic interaction between the two pairs of girls as they bind, gag and taunt each other! There are several female to female hand gagging scenes, and an emphasis on boots and high heels. But it is the spirited give & take between the models that will pull you into the stories and keep you wondering what they will come up with next!

This video is 60 minutes long and is just 1 of 100s of videos available in the Members’ Club.

This video will be available to members until April 1, or you can buy it on an individual basis from the Bondage Warehouse.

Click image for more details.

Four More Quick Take Videos Added to the Bondage Warehouse

Added four more Quick Take Videos to the Bondage Warehouse. The latest additions include Carlita Santos, Mia Nelson, Mary Jane Jackson and Michelle Jennings.

The Bondage Warehouse has hundreds of videos and thousands of photo sets available for immediate download with no membership commitment!

There are also volume discounts:
– order over $35 and get an automatic 10% off!
– order over $75 and get an automatic 20% off!
In addition to the volume discounts, members of Imago Studios get 10% off all orders.

NOTE: All these videos are currently available in the Members’ Area of Imago Studios, but only for a few more weeks.

Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip
Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip
Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip
Click image for sample video
Click image for sample clip

New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Britney Damon

Added a new quick take video featuring Britney Damon to the Members’ Club. In a very unique POV style video, you have a front row seat to all the action. Your office is being robbed and your beautiful co-worker Britney Damon is tying you to a chair and gagging you. You then watch as the tables are turned and Britney is bound & gagged in a chair next to you. Even more harrowing, a bomb is place on the desk next to her as you watch Britney frantically struggle to free herself!

Click image for sample video

Click image for sample video

Preview March 1 New Photo Update

Wednesday’s new photo update features Michelle Jennings and Mary Jane Jackson.


Mary Jane


Mary Jane


Note: All recent membership section updates, including Behind-the-Scenes, Quick Take & Challenge Videos, Vault, Encores, & Lost Gems in addition to the New Photo Update, can be seen on the UPDATES page on our Imago Studios site.

Shooting a Long Custom Video with Carlita Santos

Last Thursday, we shot a long custom video with the very sexy Carlita Santos. The video features Carlita dressed in a white satin blouse, short skirt, pantyhose and high heels and doing some high energy struggling through multiple scenes. The video, and the photosets, will eventually appear in the Imago Studios’ Members’ Club. Carlita always gives her all and she certainly did for this video as the multiple scenes required that she stay tied continuously for well over 2 hours.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short cell phone BTS “teaser” video.

Behind the Scenes Sample Clip
Click image for a short cell phone BTS “teaser” video.

New Quick Take Video in Members’ Club Featuring Carlita Santos

Added a new quick take video featuring Carlita Santos to the Members’ Club. Carlita Santos sweet talks (i.e. begs) a burglar into not tying her up too tightly, but as soon as he leaves the room, she makes a dash for the door. She doesn’t get very far before being caught. As punishment, she is tied standing with her arms pulled overhead & tied to the stair banister. The burglar then ties Carlita’s long hair to the stair railings, ensuring that she will not be making any more escape attempts! But at least Carlita looks amazing struggling helplessly in her short, black satin dress, pantyhose and high heels

Click image for sample video

Click image for sample video

Preview February 25 New Photo Update

Saturday’s new photo update features Mary Stewart and Carlita Santos – pantyhose Bound.






Note: All recent membership section updates, including Behind-the-Scenes, Quick Take & Challenge Videos, Vault, Encores, & Lost Gems in addition to the New Photo Update, can be seen on the UPDATES page on our Imago Studios site.