Added the complete IS152 “Boot Bound Damsels in Peril” video starring Lenora Mazelle, Sabrina Hernandez, Lianne Nguyen, Molly Bronte & Ginger Higgins with a short vignette featuring Kylie Adams & Ophelia Keating to the Imago Studios Members’ Club.
This video is for fans of damsels in boots, and storyline situations. It features 5 short stories starring 5 different ladies, plus a short vignette with 2 Imago favorites (so 7 girls all together!). In the lead story, Lenora Mazelle likes to play practical jokes on her co-worker. But when she goes a bit too far, she finds out that payback can be a bitch! This story probably features the most “peril” one of our ladies has ever seen in a video, but don’t worry, no models were harmed in the making of this video!
In the remaining stories, a variety of lovely boot-clad damsels find themselves in a range of situations:
– Sabrina Hernandez is a pool shark who hustles the wrong guy
– Lianne Nguyen loves to play pinball, but when she hogs one machine far too long, a rival pinball wizard takes exception.
– Ginger Higgins likes to play her music loud – really loud. But when she refuses to turn it down, a neighbor knows just how to handle the bratty young lady.
The video is rounded out with a short vignette featuring Kylie Adams & Ophelia Keating.
This video is 75 minutes long and is just 1 of 100s of videos available in the Members’ Club.
This video will be available to members until January 1, or you can buy it on an individual basis from the Bondage Warehouse.
Click image for more details.
